Monday, February 20, 2017

Creature Feature!

Say hello to this kitty! She loves taking long, mid-day naps in any patch of sunlight she can find. She also loves playing with toys and scratching those long claws. After a wonderful meal, you can find her curled up under the covers with a mug of hot milk and her favorite TV show. She also loves reading, and has a big stack of to-be-read books on her nightstand. Being cozy is how she loves to spend her time!

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Last week, we said goodbye to our chimpanzee, cat, otter, and bunny as they headed to their forever homes at Seacoast Family Promise. This is an organization that takes families without homes to stay in a cycle of churches that changes every week. While giving them a safe place to stay, SFP also enrolls parents in courses to help them get a job and secure a home for them. It is such a wonderful organization, and we are glad that we are continually given the chance to brighten the children's day by bringing them stuffed animals.