Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creature Feature!

Today we are featuring the kangaroo, who lives on the Outback of Australia. She enjoys hopping around all day. From her high vantage points, she has a great view of the city. Our interviewers asked her what it was like to be made.

Interviewer (I): In what specific order were you made?

Kangaroo (K): First my body, then my pouch. Next my head and face, then finally my tail, ears, legs and arms. It felt pretty strange without them, let me just say!

I: Was there ever a point where you got to watch a part of your body being made?

K: I actually witnessed my arms tail, and ears being made. It was kind of cool because my tail was a funny-looking tube until it was sewn on and stuffed.

I: What does it feel like to have something sewn onto you?

K: At first it was a pretty weird sensation, but I eventually got used to it. It sort of feels like there is something stuck in you and you can't get it out. Anyone who's had stitches can relate to this, except it's not as painful, I'm guessing.

I: Thanks for joining us today!

Au Revoir

Say Au Revoir to the Valentine teddy bear and the Turtle, because today they are going to go to their forever homes. They are being donated to two children who lost their mother due to cancer. We wish them farewell as they embark on their journey. Our interviewers talked to them about how they feel:

Interviewer (I): Are you excited or nervous about this big step you are going to take?

Teddy Bear (TB): I am mostly excited. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and now that it's finally here, I don't know what to think.

Turtle (T): I have nervous butterflies in my stomach. I am nervous, but I know I will enjoy my new life.

I: How long have you waited for this moment?

TB: Not that long, actually. I was created this month. But it feels like I've been waiting forever. It's every CFC's dream to be donated, and I'm very lucky to have my dream come true.

T: I on the other hand, was made last summer. I have been just waiting for my turn to get a new home, so I think this is long overdue.

I: I hope you have a good time with your new owners!

T and TB: We do too!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Creature Feature!

Today we will be featuring the beaver. He loves swimming in the river on hot summer afternoons and collecting sticks for his dam. His best friend is the red beaver who lives just a short swim away.

Interviewer (I): What is the best part about being a beaver?

Beaver (B): Being so big and cuddly. I also really like my flat dark tail. It makes it easy to swim.

I: What was the happiest day of your life?

B: Well, I have two. The first was when I was finished. It felt amazing to finally have a tail and a face, and be stuffed! The other one was when my best friend got donated. When he got picked out of the bag and had a white ribbon tied around his neck, I was so glad for him. I knew he would be the first to be donated.

I: What emotions will be running through you when you get donated?

B: I will be happy that I finally have a home, sad because I will miss all of my friends, and nervous because I don't want to disappoint my new owner.

I: I'm sure you won't disappoint your owner.

B: I hope not.

I: Thanks for your time!

B: You're welcome!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Creature Feature!

Every once and a while we will be highlighting one of our animals and posting about it. This time we are featuring a black-and-white fish we call a Zebra Fish. He was one of the first creatures we made this year. He has very big blue eyes and puckered lips. He is crocheted. He likes happy children and swimming in the coral reef. His favorite pass-time is playing tag with his other fish friends. Made with love, this Zebra Fish is waiting for a place to call home. Here is our interview with the Zebra Fish:

Interviewer (I): What kind of home are you looking for?

Zebra Fish (ZF): I'm just hoping for a place with a kid that will sleep with me every night and love me always.

I: What makes being a Creature for Care different than any other stuffed animal?

ZF: Being a Creature for Care means that you are making a child happy, and adding joy to their life. 

I: What are you most looking forward to?

ZF: I am looking forward to being donated, and meeting my owner.

I: Thank you for your time!

ZF: It was my pleasure!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcome to our blog!

Hi! We are Creatures for Care (or CFC). Welcome to our blog! 2014 is the third year we have done our organization. In 2012, we created 22 creatures. The past year, 2013, we made 30 creatures and donated 16. So far for 2014, we've made 2 creatures; a fish and a jellyfish. All in all, we've made 54 animals. Our goal for 2014 is to make 100 total creatures.

The most fun part about CFC is donating the creatures. We donate them to a homeless shelter around once a month. We can all agree that it is rewarding to see the smiles on the children's faces as they take a toy out of the basket. When we donate, it also inspires us to create more animals, which, sometimes we really need, as working can often drag on. Since we love it so much, we are always looking for new places to donate our animals.

There are 2 ways we make our creatures; knitting and crocheting (kro-shay-ing). Most people think knitting and crocheting are similar, and they're right, but there are a few differences. For starters, knitting is created with two pointed needles, and crocheting is created with a hook that has a curved end. Knitting is stretchy no matter which way you pull it, whereas crocheting only stretches in one direction. Knitting takes longer than crocheting. In our group, 2 girls knit and 2 crochet, so we have about an even number of knitted and crocheted animals.

This year, we are trying to make our animals more colorful. We were lining them up the other day, and we noticed that we used dark colors to create them. We're trying to make striped animals, or just use a bright color, so they're more vibrant.

Thank you for reading our blog!

The members of Creatures for Care