Friday, February 28, 2014

Creature Feature!

Our creature today is the bright red lobster. He hangs out on the ocean floor with his crab and fish friends. He loves to make noise with his big lobster claws.

Interviewer (I): What do you like most about children?

Lobster (L): I like their bright spirit, positive attitude, and how they love to talk to and play with stuffies like me!

I: Is it hard knowing that if you get picked to be donated you might not find a forever home?

L: Well, not really, because I know that even if I don't get picked the first time, there is always a time after that, because the people that created me are always looking for new places to donate.

I: Why is a Creature for Care different than any other stuffed animal?

L: These girls put so much time into making us. We are special because of that. We were made with love.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Creature Feature!

Today we are featuring the monster as our creature. He lives far away from any other animals, all alone. He is very scary looking, but actually, he is quite a nice little fellow.

Interviewer (I): What does it feel like when a child looks at you, and they smile?

Monster (M): It makes me want to smile, too. Seeing a kid so happy and realizing that I'm the cause of that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that is hard to describe.

I: What do you think about your life now?

M: It is kind of boring, just sitting in a plastic bag all day, but there are lots of other creatures in there, and sometimes we talk about what our lives will be like when we are donated, or we daydream about what it would feel like to get squeezed in a gigantic hug.

I: What are you most looking forward to when you will get donated?

M: I am most looking forward to meeting my owner. I want to find out what they look like, and who they are, and where I am going to live.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Today we say goodbye to the squid! He is getting donated to a family that lost their daughter due to leukemia. The squid loves exploring in the ocean on lazy summer afternoons, and playing hide-and-seek with his squid friends.

Interviewer (I): If you could describe how you feel in words about going to your new home, what would say?

Squid (S): I am really excited. I can't wait to see what the home looks like, and I hope everyone is really nice. I'm a little nervous, but I know I will have a good time.

I:  When we brought you to be donated and you didn't get picked, how did you feel?

S: I felt left out and unimportant, but I knew I would have a second chance, and I was very glad for that. All I want is to have a home.

I:  Well I'm sure you are glad to be getting a home. I wish you the best luck. Thank you for your time!

S: I'm glad to be here!